In short, Website Hosting is generally described as a virtual storage locker to hold your website until someone calls it up via an internet browser, such as Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox or Microsoft's Edge.

Of course, there's more going on behind the scenes with website hosting, but that's the crux of it, at least.
To us, however, it means alot more than that. In fact, the list is a bit long for this paragraph, so I've broken it down to a bulleted list below.
Our space comes with unlimited storage, databases and bandwidth
Domain and DNS Management (making sure your site comes up by name)
Server and Security Management (per your desired level)
Year-round, 24/7, anytime-day-or-night, website and email support
Basic changes and all fixes are all included. Anything else is quoted first.
Free Consulting from a LinkedIn All-Start and Online Marketing Pioneer
Access to Website and Marketing Secrets via our Newsletter and Blogs
FREE Advertising for our clients through our portfolio & various marketing channels
Maybe you can see why we say our Hosting is so much more, maybe not.
20 years at the same hosting rate. We think it's a lot for a $20 spot.
Lifetime Hosting Offer (ends Sep 30th at midnight)

Our consistent rate and long track record seems to be appreciated by many of our longtime customers. There is a really nice sized group that has been with us for nearly two decades. Our annual rate is fair and very competitive but still adds up over the years.
Therefore, as a sign of our sincere appreciation to our faithful clients and friends, we are offering our Lifetime Hosting Special for $960 one-time, but this special does expire after Sep 30th, 2018.
We have had several customers wisely accept the offer as a way to save big money, but we also believe that it says alot about their faith in us. A trust that believes we'll be there for you, hopefully for another 20 years and beyond.
When you pay for Lifetime Hosting you are guaranteed to never get another hosting bill from us on that account. You will, however continue to pay domain charges to GoDaddy, or us, or whoever you use; but our Support, Technical and Marketing Consultation for your Lifetime account is included at no charge for as long as we are both in business!
In the event that you change businesses and want to use a different domain for your Lifetime Account, you may do so. So even if you go out of business, you'll still have space available on our servers in case you start up a new one. Since we have so many businesses of our own that are dependent on our servers, we are always going to have a server; and we will always have a space for those who invested in us. We've been doing this for over 20 years and we're just getting started!
5 year Hosting Plan (bonus of redesign offer ends Sep 30th)

Our 5 Year Hosting Plan gives you the same services listed above for less than what 3.5 years would cost normally, plus a redesign of your current site with us!
We are offering our 5 Year Hosting Plan at just $690. That equates to under $12 per month for fully-supported hosting with programmers on call 24/7. That is competitive anywhere.
If you are NOT hosting with us and want to benefit from our experience, we have a similar offers for New Customers! Give us a call to find out more.