Driven to Perfection, Never Satisfied.
No one is perfect, and there are alot of different ways to code a solution, that's a fact. However, perfection is a must when it comes to syntax in coding. It means that if there is even ONE misplaced character in a line of code, such as a semicolon; it can crash your entire script or program!
So, now imagine a person that has been programming computers for 40 years. I suppose it would be understandable or even reasonable to believe that in order to be a good programmer, an attitude of being a perfectionist might be portrayed.
It is true that I am very demanding in our businesses, often times driven to perfection, yet ultimately never achieving it. In the website and custom programming world, we playfully call that tweaking. Tweaking is most fairly described as the final steps to finishing up a website or program for release.
As programmers, there's always something more we can do to improve any project. The key is knowing when to say when, or in other words, when to stop tweaking and call it good.
The world has become dependent on computers. The real power comes with knowing how to make them think and work. The ability to evaluate a real world issue, translate that to a computer algorthym then write a set of codes to solve the problem is very satisfying for this lifelong programmer.
If you have questions or an interest in programming, please contact me anytime.
Brian Hale