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A few website projects from Hale Multimedia... - Ag Search Engine
Fonner Park Thoroughbred Racing

Hale Multimedia began in 1998 as Hale Broadcasting and Website Design when NAFB Farm Broadcaster Howard Hale and his son Brian teamed up to deliver Howard's radio programs via the internet, replacing the clunky satellite dish in Mrs. Hale's garden. 


Brian began programming computers in 1978 when Howard had the vision to invest in an Apple IIe, setting the stage for a lifetime of coding and building databases.


Seven years later Brian joined the U.S. Army Medical Corps which eventually led to an impact achievement medal from the commanding general in a Military Operation called Wintex/Cimex '89. The task as to build a searchable database for incoming messages from our allies around the globe. Two years later AOL was formed and these 'messages' sent from computer to computer became universally known as email.


Brian's passion for search continued into the 90's with his discovery that search was very lacking. Before Google existed, he could see the need for an easier way to search, but this was 1996 and very few people were online compared to today. People wanted to have it in writing, so his first internet business was a free printed list of local websites distributed throughout the community. Brian quickly learned to build an online searchable website, combining the internet and print. The last printed directory was 2000. Fast forward to now and practically everyone is comfortable searching online... to the point of 5 Billion searches every single day around the world.


For the past 20 years, as Brian would approach businesses about being listed, many would say that they would want to be listed, but they either did not have a website yet, or they had one that they were not proud of.  With such a huge demand for a website designer for small business, Brian began building websites and now he and his wife Andi have helped over 1000 small businesses either establish or improve their online presence since 1998.


Hale Multimedia is a small company with big ideas and a passion for helping people find value in marketing their company online through websites, mobile apps, custom programming applications, social media, traditional media and especially through building relationships that last beyond the 'sale'.  We desire that more than anything else. Give us a call toll free 833 247-3272 (833 AGSEARCH), use our Contact form, and if you are on mobile you can use the buttons below.


Hale Multimedia /  ||  Texas 940 386-1806  ||  Nebraska 308 220-8262

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