In "How to Win Friends and Influence People" author Dale Carnegie gives us several keys to building relationships; and it all starts with building others up by taking a genuine interest in their lives.

Millions of people have been positively affected through this simple strategy of building others up. It's the opposite of what society has become today, with one vicious personal attack after another. It's time to change the paradigm back to the Golden Rule of 'treating others the way I wish to be treated.'
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come from your mouth and do everything possible to build one another up." Ephesians 4:29 has become somewhat of a motto around here.
We love to encourage others, and it's easy if it's truly genuine. In my own half century here on earth, I have learned the following to be very fruitful, and that these principles really do work, better than most sales books or fancy presentations.
1. Take a genuine interest in others
2. Do what you can to build others up
3. Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want
I learned these concepts from some of the greatest minds to ever publish a book, in a time that publishing a bestselling book really meant something.
Membership Managers at AgSearch will be highly encouraged to read books that change lives in a positive way. The following graphic is a screenshot from google. Click on this link to find the book for sale. We also plan to have this book for checkout from our existing resources for those who would rather borrow it from our library.
"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."
The primary goal of our Membership Managers is to build relationships through various means of modern and traditional communication, including but not limited to telephone, email, mailing, visits, social media, and text messaging. Whatever means of communication that the member (not the manager) prefers, is the way to begin building relationships. Meet them where they are, whether that's on twitter, on facebook, in their store, on the phone, by text... everyone has a preferred means of communication. Meet them there and your response will be better.
If you are interested in becoming a Membership Manager at AgSearch, please send an email to, otherwise, visit today regardless!